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find Author "Chen Chong" 2 results
  • Attach importance to individualized treatment of diabetic macular edema

    Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the most common retinopathy that seriously threatens the visual function of diabetic patients, and it represents a major cause of blindness especially among people in working age. Ocular VEGF inhibitors are most often used as a first line therapy for DME, and have revolutionary significance in improving visual outcomes. However, there remain 30%-50% patients who fail to respond to anti-VEGF treatment, and the need for frequent injections brings a substantial treatment burden to patients and society. Novel therapeutic strategies include improving efficacy and duration of anti-VEGF drugs, targeting inflammation, the plasma kallikrein–kinin system, the angiopoietin-Tie2 system, neurodegeneration and other alternative pathways, as well as using subthreshold and targeted laser therapy. It is still challenging in the individualized management of DME to identify non-responders to anti-VEGF drugs and to establish a standardized regimen for the switch from anti-VEGF therapy to anti-inflammatory or other alternative treatment. Further research and development of new therapies, as well as preventive and screening strategies, are needed to reduce the impact of diabetic retinopathy and DME on public health.

    Release date:2020-03-18 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Interpretation of National consensus on the management of major chronic fundus diseases in China: a modified Delphi approach

    Based on the current situation of patients with retinal diseases in China and the clear requirements of the "14th Five-Year Plan for Eye Health (2021-2025)" to strengthen the construction of the prevention and control system for retinal diseases, experts in the field of retinal diseases in China have conducted in-depth and comprehensive thematic discussions, and used the modified Delphi method for collective decision-making and opinion solicitation, ultimately forming consensus and consistent guidance suggestions for the management of chronic diseases of retinal diseases that are in line with China's national conditions. This consensus includes key content such as definitions, treatment plans, and follow-up frequency for the management of chronic diseases of the fundus. It clearly proposes relevant measures to improve the management process of chronic diseases of the fundus, and elaborates on the advantages and feasibility of establishing an online remote platform for the management of chronic diseases of the fundus, in order to assist doctors in formulating personalized treatment plans and ensure that patients receive standardized treatment and follow-up. This consensus will provide guidance and reference for the management of chronic diseases and long-term standardized diagnosis and treatment of major fundus diseases in China.

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